Monday, December 3, 2007

Kianna's Blessing

The first Sunday of December we took Kianna a church to give her a blessing and announce her name for the Church records. She did really well and didn't cry or fuss at all during the blessing. She looked very cute and here is a picture to prove it. Here is another picture that shows she was worn out after the blessing and everyone coming over after to eat.

Here is just a random picture I took of her before going to work one day. Just Precious.


Christina said...

Kianna looks so cute in her blessing dress, it also happens to be the exact same dress Ava was blessed in. How funny, I guess we both have good taste. Well, I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks, if you want some travel advice for the airplane ride, just give me a call. Love ya


CassParelli said...

Laura & Zane,

Kianna looks beautiful! I wish we could have been there for the blessing!

Paul & Cassie

Lance and Becky said...

What a beautiful little girl you guys have! I love her blessing dress! How cool!

Scott, Julie and Kaylie said...

Congrats!!!! Hi Laura! It's Julie Bird (we used to live in stonebrook). Your little daughter is so beautiful! Too bad Scott and I aren't in Rexburg anymore our little girls could have been buds! I'm so happy for you guys- isn't being a mommy the best! I got your blog adddress from Megan and Rob- Hooray for blogging. you look so happy! Keep the pictures comming!

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