Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ross Memorial B-ball Tournament Weekend

We all went down to the Durango, Colorado area this weekend to help out in the 13th Annual Ross Memorial Basketball Tournament. The tournament is held in honor of my 2 uncles Dirk & Colt Ross who died in a plane crash in 1995. I don't know the exact number, but I would estimate over 35 teams participated from around the state and the surrounding four corners area (Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah). The proceeds from the tournament go to a Scholarship fund for 2 local students.

It was fun to get together and see my grandparents, uncles & aunts, and 45+ cousins & 25+ second cousins (I don't know the exact number anymore because they just keep growing in number).

Kianna got a new shirt while we were walking around Old Historic Downtown Durango. Click on the picture to see it bigger and read what it says. We also got her a Winnie the Poo collapsible stroller because the normal stroller we have for her is to big to travel with.

While at a restaurant Kianna decided to sample the flavor of the wood table. She kept on doing it so we assume she liked the taste. The other picture was taken after a the second day of the tournament. That much basketball just pooped her out.

This video was taken late at night and Kianna was slap happy. I was on my computer and whistled for some reason and she started to laugh. I continued to whistle, and every time I did so, she would laugh. It made for a cute video.


NoJo said...

Aww.. your little girl is just adorable!

And what a cute t-shirt!

Robinsons said...

Boy, she's got big feet but we still think she's pretty cute!

Dawn said...

Elizabeth loves watching the movie too. she giggled everytime Kianna did. Thanks for the updates. What a cute girl you both have.

Ross Family said...

She is adorable!!! it was so fun to see you guys and meet kianna! Laura, you look like you are just having a blast being mommy! Our blog is

Unknown said...

HI! I just found your blog! Kianna is adorable! Hope ya'll are doing well!

Lance and Becky said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! She is so adorable!

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