Sunday, December 7, 2008

How We Spent our Thanksgiving

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Solvang, CA to visit Laura's Brother, and spent time with her family which came down from Seattle. Kianna actually did pretty well on the plane, and we all had a good time. As you can see below, although she doesn't have very much, she does have some hair.

Kianna was mezmorized while watching a movie on my notebook on the left, and to the right, she is grinning for the camera, with her pants around her shoulders.

While in Solvang I caught a lizard outside and decided to show it to Kianna. Below you can see her reaction.
She really wanted to touch and play with the lizard. We tried to let her hold it, but she was a bit to rough, and we were afraid she would squish it, so we took it away.

Kianna enjoing "Tubby Time" along with her friends Trey and Ava. She likes to sit inside anything she can fit into. Wheather its a suitcase or a tub like the one below, she is happy inside it.

Here is Kianna all ready to go to Church, and a few minutes later she started to get all "pouty faced", because we wouldn't let her pull the bow out of her hair.


Megan Hall said...

haha cute I love the ones where she is playing with the lizard. They are clasic!!

Christina said...

She is so cute, I can't believe how big she is getting.

Lance and Becky said...

She is too cute for words! She's getting so big! Hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas!