Thursday, February 12, 2009

Expo Weekend

Two weekends ago we were able to attend 2 different Expos. But to start you off, here is a totally unrelated video of Kianna eating breadsticks. The video was taken with my cell phone, so don’t expect much.

On Friday we went to the International Sportsman's Show that was here in Denver. Kianna pointed to every Deer and Elk mount she saw and said "Mooo". Anything larger than a dog that walks on 4 legs was a cow to her. She now knows the difference and can name and make the sounds for most farm animals, but at the time, "Mooo" was all we got. We tried to get a picture of a Golden Eagle sitting behind Kianna and her mom, but that bird was just too big for Kianna to turn her back to it.

On Saturday we went to the National Western Stock Show here in Denver. We found out that Kianna REALLY likes Cotton Candy. We enjoyed the Rodeo, but Kianna had much more fun petting all the animals. Here she can be seen petting a Rabbit and a Mule. She did really well around all the different animals, but when she walked by a big Tom Turkey and it gobbled at her, she quickly ran away.

Kianna loves to brush her teeth, and when we get done helping her do it, we say "Show us your teeth" and she bears them for the world to see. Now when she smiles for pictures, she likes to also show us her teeth, as can be seen in various instances below.


Megan Hall said...

Aw man that little cheeser smile of hers just melts my heart I can't believe she is getting to be a little girl now! Not a baby any more mom and dad. And those teeth, I can't believe it she has practically a full smile now!

Miss Melanie said...

Cotton candy is my favorite candy ever!