Friday, May 29, 2009

Kittens !!

We were able to go over to Grandpa & Grandma Ross' to show Kianna the new Kittens that Grandma picked up this week. She was pretty excited, and I was able to capture a bit of the action on my phone. It was night time and in the basement so the lighting was poor, and the video looks really grainy, but you can still see what needs to be seen.

Kianna Playing with Kittens from Zane Ross on Vimeo.

She was a little bit too rough with the kittens, and was holding them really tight, but she is learning fast, and doing well with them. We will get more pictures and maybe some video of Kianna this weekend. Here are a few more pictures of Kianna loving the kittens.


The Shepherd Family said...

Too cute! Landon does the same thing when he sees a cat...he thinks its one of his stuffed animals and squeezes it way too hard. Kianna seemed pretty good with them from what I can tell. They're still alive right? ;)

Garett and Elaina Moore said...

she's so cute. and starting to get hair.. wow