Tuesday, June 9, 2009

April showers bring May flowers.... and June Tornadoes

The weekend started out pretty good. We found out that our second baby is going to be a boy, and are very excited about that. Things changed quickly when we had a run in with a Tornado while at an outdoor mall and things went downhill from there. No one was injured, but both of our vehicles were in the parking lot when the tornado hit and had multiple windows blown out. We took shelter in a TJ Maxx. Everything was really loud and at one point the funnel could ripped the big HVAC units off of the roof and ruptured a gas line. Tornado outside, gas leak inside... great. The funnel could was on the ground for over 30 minutes, but we made it out injury free, although a bit shaken up.

Here are some pictures of the damage caused to our vehicles. Here you see the vehicles right after the funnel could passed through, and our ghetto clear plastic / duct tape job that will be on our vehicles until the insurance adjuster pays us a visit.

Here are some pictures of the tornado and a ball of hail I found in my car after I drove it home. It was still that big 30 minutes after the tornado had passed by. You can imagine what this did to the hood's of our cars.

This video taken with my cell phone shows some of the havoc that ensued before, during, and after the tornado. I was able to see debris and paper circling in the parking lot during the funnel cloud's formation, but unfortunately you can't really see it on the video. All you can make out is how windy it is. At one point I was trying to shut the front doors to stop stuff from flying in at high speeds, but the wind kicked up and tore the door from my hands throwing it into the parking lot, sending glass everywhere. At that point I decided it was time to join Laura and Kianna in the back of the store huddled under a table.

Tornado - June 2009 from Zane Ross on Vimeo.

It was a crazy weekend, but we got through it and are moving forward. For those of you that just visit the blog to see more of Kianna, I have a picture just for you.


Carina, Chris, Daisy, and Sarah said...

Yikes! That is wild. I'm sure glad you're all ok. Congrats, by the way, on the baby boy! I am so excited for you! Miss you guys a bunch!

Christina said...

Awesome video, I am glad you were all OK.